Title VI Meeting Agenda for September

Dr. Maysa Bitar is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting

Topic: Title VI Meeting (Virtual)

Time: Sep 21, 2023 05:30 PM - 6:30 PM

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 893 0445 8082 Passcode: 132444

1. Welcome

a. Sign-in sheet ( Introductions)

2. Approval of May minutes - Dr. Maysa Bitar

3. District Topics

a. Title VI aides’ open positions

b. Title VI meeting dates for SY 23/24

c. Data Reports:

i. Enrollment, Absences & Suspensions- Mr. Mauricio Ortega

ii. Sub-committees Requests/Needs (Attendance/Behavior & Native Languages) - Mr. Mark Hailwood

d. Site recruiting efforts for Title VI parents - Principals

e. Title VI Budget Review - Dr. Maysa Bitar

f. Title VI Programs per School Site - Principals

4. Committee Topics

a. Student Voice on the Committee

b. Title VI Survey

5. Other- Announcements

6. Adjourn


Title VI Meeting Agenda

 May 25, 2023

5:30 pm-6:30 p.m.

Rincon Recreation Education, and Youth Services ( REYS)

8030 West Tribal Road/ Valley Center CA 92082

  1. Welcome 

    1. Introduction  

    2. Sign in

  1. Approval of May’s Agenda 

  1. Approval of March 2023 minutes

  1. District Items

    1. EASIE Grant II - Update

    2. ConApp Review and Approval

    3. Title VI Elections

      • Review Responsibilities

      • Explain Process

      • Nominations

      • Vote

    4. Attendance and Suspension Data Update

    5. Online Registration High School Pilot 

    6. Subcomittee Updates

    7. Title VI TOSA update 

  1. Education Center Check-in

  1. Other 

    1. Announcements 

    2. Parent/Community Input



Title VI Meeting Agenda

Dr. Maysa Bitar is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Title VI meeting ( Virtual) Time: Mar 16, 2023 05:30 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting https://vcpusd-org.zoom.us/j/88042521954?pwd=VU1FMmI2OGRMWHRJcEtIQ3hwK09jdz09 Meeting ID: 880 4252 1954 Passcode: 962417


1. Welcome a. Introductions

2. Approval of Agenda Items

3. Approval of February’s minutes

4. District Items:

a. Approve revised Bylaws

b. TOSA updates - Stephanie Martinez

c. Standardized Testing coming up

d. Attendance and Suspension Data

e. Subcommittees updates

f. Summer School Initial Plans

5. Other Announcements

6. Adjourn

Title VI Meeting Agenda

February 16, 2023

5:30 pm

San Pasqual Ed Center 

16490 Kumeyaay Way, Valley Center, CA 92082

  1. Welcome - Introductions

  2. Approval of the Agenda 

  3. Approval of January’s minutes

  4. LCAP Review and Parent Input 

  5. Title VI Spending Report for the Year 

  6. Book Selection Process 

  7. Updates on subcommittees 

  8. Title VI Student Data (enrollment, attendance, suspension/expulsion) 

  9. Review and Input Bylaws 

  10. Other Announcements 

  11. Adjourn 

Click here to download the agenda for February

description of title VI

Contact info

Title VI Meeting Agenda

February 16, 2023

5:30 pm

San Pasqual Ed Center 

16490 Kumeyaay Way, Valley Center, CA 92082

  1. Welcome - Introductions

  2. Approval of the Agenda 

  3. Approval of January’s minutes

  4. LCAP Review and Parent Input 

  5. Title VI Spending Report for the Year 

  6. Book Selection Process 

  7. Updates on subcommittees 

  8. Title VI Student Data (enrollment, attendance, suspension/expulsion) 

  9. Review and Input Bylaws 

  10. Other Announcements 

  11. Adjourn 

Click here to download the agenda for February

description of title VI

Contact info