VCPUSD has a history of excellence, serving 4,000 students in grades PK – 12 in the beautiful rural communities of Valley Center and Pauma. The school district covers approximately 300 square miles in northern San Diego County. Our district is known as a leader with educational technology, award winning Dual Immersion (English-Spanish) program, outstanding music programs, competitive athletic programs, high graduation rate and Partnership for Success program with CSUSM.
Our community supports and appreciates the educational program which includes academic and vocational programs, including an outstanding agriculture program, award winning Health Careers Pathway, and Media Technology Pathway.
We use technology as a resource and learning tool to ensure students are 21st Century Learners. All schools are transitioning to the Common Core State Standards and Smarter Balance Assessments as teachers and administrators work together to provide quality instructional strategies for all students.
VCPUSD is a great place to live and learn. Welcome to our community.

June 30, 2022